Friday, May 1st 9am: Vendor set-up, Smokey Bear Blvd
Open all day (s)
9am-All Day: Smokey cancellation stamps
at the Capitan post office. (s)
11am-All Day: Educators (c)
11-12: Music by Tyler Jones (p)
12:30-1:30: Music by Tyler Jones (p)
2-3pm: Music by Randy Jones (p)
3:30-4:30pm: Music by Susan Kolb (p)
3-5pm: Bike Safety *Schedule subject to change
Educators USFS: Fire Protection
Sierra Volunteer Fire Department
Home Fire Safety
Greg Haussler: Entomology
BLM: Caving
BLM: "Leave no Trace"
NM Game & Fish: NM Wildlife
Upper Hondo Soil Conservation: Watersheds
NM Strate Forestry: Tree Identification
Ole' George: Tomahawk Throwing
Flying Cloud: Corn Husk Doll Making
Lincoln Country: Fire Safety
American Wildfire: Defensible Space
USFS: Cross cut sawing
ENMU: Natural Science Courses
Need a Place to Stay in Capitan?
Why not the Smokey Bear Motel.
Clean, confortable, affordable rooms. 316 Smokey Bear Blvd. Capitan New Mexico
1.800.766.5392 or 1.575.354.2253
Saturday, May 2nd 7:30-9:30am: Pancake Breakfast
SBHP picnic area
9am-All day: Market is open, SB Blvd. (s)
9:am-All day: Chainsaw carving competition (sr)
8:30-11:30am: Smoke Bear cancellation
stamp at the Capitan Post Office (s)
10am: Smokey Bear Parade (s)
11am-All Day: Educators (c)
11am-1pm: Firefighters Challenge (nr)
11-11:45am: Monk (p)
11:45-12:45pm: Flying Cloud (p)
12:45-1:30pm: Music by Susan Kolb (p)
1:00pm: Smoke cuts & shares his Birthday
Cake (sr) Plus Button Contest Awards (sr)
1:30-2:15pm: Flying Cloud (p)
2:15-3pm: Music by Randy Jones (p)
3-4pm: Flying Cloud (p)
4pm: Judging of carvings (sr)
4:30pm: Auction of carving & raffel for
stay at Lodge in Ruidoso (sr)
4:30-5:30pm: Flying Cloud (p)
7-11pm: Street Dance-Cowboy Mafia
8:30pm: Smokey cuts 2nd cake (p)
Key to Locations:
(s) Main Street
(nr) North Riska Lot
(sr) South Riska Lot
(c) Cul-de-sac
(p) parking spaces
Smokey Bear Days, Schedule of Events
Friday, May 1st & Saturday, May 2nd, 2015
Questions: Call Smokey Bear Historical Park at 575.354.2748