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Hi! I am the current artist in residence at the Carrizozo Colony and would like to invite Carrizozo residents to participate in a silent video about the town's geography. Volunteers will be filmed in a one-on-one interview format, but only the participants' backs and arms will be recorded. If you would like to help me with the project or are simply interested in chatting, call me at (305)-877-1418 or email me at jimegracia@gmail.com. You can view images of my work here: www.cargocollective.com/jimegracia Thanks!

The Mission of the Carrizozo Colony AIR
is to provide individual artists space and time to focus on chosen projects in the arts. With a broad definition of ‘artist,’ the Carrizozo Colony is open to a wide a variety of artistic mediums and creative ventures. The residency promises solitude as well as interaction with the Carrizozo community. The distinctive topography, varied life zones, and multicultural archeology of South Central New Mexico afford a unique connection with the land.

In 2015 Warren & Joan Malkerson and MoMAZoZo combined their efforts to create the Carrizozo Colony AIR. Artists live and work on Carrizozo’s historic 12th Street.

Jimena Garcia , Mexico City, Mexico, February 1-29
Caitlin Shepherd, Bristol, UK, October 15-November 15
Meagan Boyd & Rhea Tepp , Los Angeles, CA, April 1-May 1
Anya Wild, Eugene, OR, July 26 - August 16th
Jeepneys & Sister Mantos, Los Angeles, CA, Summer TBA
Sarah Biscarra Dilley, Oakland, CA, August 18-September 9
Dani Leventhal & Sheilah Wilson, Columbus, OH, November 22-December 22

Paula Wilson & Mike Lagg: info@momazozo.com
Joan & Warren Malkerson: islandjm@malkerson.com
PO Box 1103, Carrizozo, NM, 88301
Carrizozo New Mexico Announces
Carrizozo Colony, Artist in Residence
2016 pilot program
Current Artist in Residence: Jimena Garcia from Mexico City, Mexico

‘My work investigates the materials and sites that pertain to human activities of communication and expression, focusing specifically on the gestural aspects of analogue technologies.’