Before the railroad tracks reached the site of present day Carrizozo in
August, 1899, as far as the eye could see there were few signs of
human habitation. There were just a scattering of cattle ranches
established in the 1870's and a lonely stagecoach road that crossed the
landscape from the booming gold-mining town of White Oaks.
The town grew quickly when the railroad made it a terminal town. As
Carrizozo began to flourish, White Oaks began to decline. Many of its
former residents moved their homes and businesses (some quite
literally converted to galleries & studios) to the new town as railroad
employees moved in. Carrizozo had grand dreams for its future.
As a result, its buildings and homes were built well and meant to last,
thanks in part to Frank English whose legacy is everywhere. Between
1908 and 1925, Mr. English built about 30 houses and commercial
buildings, many of which are still in use today. 12th Street became the
town core of Carriozo.
Today it is experiencing a resurgence as these builings, true to their
historic roots, have attracted a growing arts community. Many have
been converted to gallerires & studios.
Several movies have been filmed in Carrizozo, inclding the hightly
successful 'Book of Eli' when 12th street, was completely
transformed ino a post apocolypse wasteland.
Read more about the history of Carrizozo
Transformation of 12th Street prior to Filming 'Book of Eli'
12th Street Coffee
401 12th St,, Carrizozo NM
Hours: Monday-Thursday 6:30-6pm,
Friday 6:30-7pm, Saturday 8-7pm,
Sunday 10-4pm
Tularosa Basin Gallery of
Come & enjoy this wonderful space
and New Mexico photographs.
401 12th Street, P.O. Box 1113,
Carrizozo NM.
Phone: 575-937-1489.
Open 5 days a week.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday &
Monday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: 12pm - 5pm
Heart of the Raven
415 12th St
Carrizozo, NM 88301